if your heart tells you that it's best to be quiet,
can you listen to it
and rest secure in the shadows
and silence
as another man steals the show?
if your heart tells you that you won't ever
hold fame, that you weren’t made for the lights and screens,
can you accept it
and find joy and significance in what you are,
despite never being adored and widely seen?
if your heart tells you there’s more to life than what you know,
can you let go of what little you do know,
in hopes of finding more?
If your heart tells you she’s a lovely woman
but she’s not the right one
can you lay her down
because you know it's what is best?
if your heart tells you you’re hiding from yourself,
can you lay your pride down
and face the pain
that you run from?
If your heart tells you that you’ve taken the wrong path,
do you have what it takes to turn back for the right one,
despite how far you already traveled?
if your heart tells you you're chasing the wrong dream
will you lay it down
to go after the right one?
When your heart talks...
do you listen?