i didn't realize how fast life was going by
until I took a moment to stop,
until I saw my life in the sounds
of the cars racing over
the highway below

and so I questioned:

why do we rush
why do we feel the pressure
to always be moving
as if it makes us something more
than we are right now

Violet Skies

The clouds hung across the sky like purple lanterns. The light shimmered across the waters like golden ash. There was no holding us back tonight, for as we walked- our fears and our skin, our pains and our longings- everything was on the ground, everything was in the open, as our souls bruised the skies violet with bravery.

Journeys Within Update #1

Finally, the editing process of Journeys Within is finished, the final proof copy has been ordered, and the book will (hopefully) be completely finished and available sometime within the next three to four weeks... I can’t wait to share this book with you all.

If my last book was for the dreamer waiting for his chance and the son waiting on his promise… I would say this one is for those seeking a fight, who long to feel untamed and tested, are hungry to grow, and aren’t afraid to chase after the person they were made to be. For anyone to reach their potential, I believe they need a journey. And every meaningful journey requires a wilderness- something to test yourself up against, with pains, trials, darkness, and failures to overcome and push through. It's the cost you pay to grow & learn- to live out who you are. It doesn’t come free and it can’t come easy.

My hope is that this book will help lead other people who too, are on their own journeys, the way it did for me. And that along the way it would it unsettle, test, and inspire you as you chase after the person you were created to be.